My Weekly Recap & To Do Tuesday #129

Last goals: 1. Keep working on my hand quilting, EPP projects and leader/ender projects. Some progress on several of these projects. 😃 2. When I get back to the studio next, make the time to quilt my version of A Roll of the Dice which is back on the frame. 3. Finish my second HeadingContinueContinue reading “My Weekly Recap & To Do Tuesday #129”

To – Do Tuesday Linky Party #7

Hello and welcome to the To Do Tuesday link party! Last week we had a record of 34 people link up their posts last week with all of the projects they are working on or managed to finish! I had so much fun visiting each and every post. Did you have a chance to visitContinueContinue reading “To – Do Tuesday Linky Party #7”

My Weekly Recap & To Do Tuesday #128

It’s been another week with the weather alternating between grey, rainy days, some snow days and today was a bright, blue sky day. This week I’m looking forward to two Quilting Days at my Guild, three meetings, two grandchildren and one great grandson’s birthdays. 😉 The great Levi is 4! Delaney is 15 and herContinueContinue reading “My Weekly Recap & To Do Tuesday #128”

To – Do Tuesday Linky Party #6

Hello and welcome to the To Do Tuesday link party! Last week we had 30 people link up their posts again with all of the projects they are working on or managed to finish! I had so much fun visiting each and every post. Did you have a chance to visit everyone? Here’s a recapContinueContinue reading “To – Do Tuesday Linky Party #6”

My Weekly Recap & To Do Tuesday #127

It’s been a week around here with two days town trips for DH’s appointments and another change in weather with a couple of days of snow and then back to rain. The good news is that I still managed sewing time every day, but don’t have a lot that I can show yet. 😉 LastContinueContinue reading “My Weekly Recap & To Do Tuesday #127”

To – Do Tuesday Linky Party #5

Hello and welcome to the To Do Tuesday link party! Last week we had 30 people link up their posts with all of the projects they are working on or managed to finish! I had so much fun visiting each and every post and think I’ve figured out a work around so I can commentContinueContinue reading “To – Do Tuesday Linky Party #5”

To Do Tuesday #126 & My Weekly Recap

Last goals: 1. Keep working on my hand quilting, EPP projects and leader/ender projects. 2. When I get back to the studio next, make the time to quilt my version of A Roll of the Dice which is back on the frame. 3. Finish my second Heading North quilt, designed by Sandra of MMM Quilts.ContinueContinue reading “To Do Tuesday #126 & My Weekly Recap”

To – Do Tuesday Linky Party #4

Hello and welcome to the To Do Tuesday link party! Last week we had 31 people link up their posts with all of the projects they are working on or managed to finish! I had so much fun visiting each and every post and think I’ve figured out a work around so I can commentContinueContinue reading “To – Do Tuesday Linky Party #4”

To Do Tuesday #125 & My Weekly Recap

It’s been a busy week for me with Board meetings for my Guild and the Golf Course. That pretty much ties up 2 days with the resulting paperwork and chores. I did manage some stitching time on both of those days though 😃. I also had two days of quilting at the Guild where I’mContinueContinue reading “To Do Tuesday #125 & My Weekly Recap”

To – Do Tuesday Linky Party #3

Welcome to my link up post for To-Do Tuesday! Did you see all of the incredible sites that linked up last week on the To Tuesday Linky Party #2? I had so much fun visiting everyone and seeing all of the eye candy on display! There were 31 entries last week! 😃 Here are theContinueContinue reading “To – Do Tuesday Linky Party #3”

To Do Tuesday #124 & My Weekly Recap

My week went well and I managed to get safely home from the studio with just a bit of weather to contend with. Since I’ve been home we have had snowy days and rainy days. It’s another weird weather winter. Last goals: 1. Keep working on my hand quilting, EPP projects and leader/ender projects. IContinueContinue reading “To Do Tuesday #124 & My Weekly Recap”

To – Do Tuesday Linky Party #2

Welcome to my link up post for To-Do Tuesday! I’d like to start by apologizing to you all for the issues with Blogger not allowing comments on either my post or on yours for some of you. Google is also messing things up with requiring me to log in to comment on your posts andContinueContinue reading “To – Do Tuesday Linky Party #2”

To Do Tuesday #123 & My Weekly Recap

My week went well and I managed to get safely home from the studio with just a bit of weather to contend with. Since I’ve been home we have had snowy days and rainy days. It’s another weird weather winter. I tried to get some photos on the ferry to show off the pretty decorations,ContinueContinue reading “To Do Tuesday #123 & My Weekly Recap”

To – Do Tuesday Linky Party #1

Welcome to my first link up post for To-Do Tuesday! I’d like to start by wishing you all a Happy, Healthy, Prosperous New Year. I hope 2023 will be golden for all of us and can admit that I am not sad to see the end of 2022! I first joined the bloggers who foundContinueContinue reading “To – Do Tuesday Linky Party #1”

Weekly Recap & To Do Tuesday #122

I’ll be linking up with To-Do Tuesday Link Party which is the first of my parties. I’m hoping you all had a Happy New Year, found time to be with family and are starting the year off happy, healthy and finding time to play with fabric. My week went well and I managed to getContinueContinue reading “Weekly Recap & To Do Tuesday #122”

ToDo Tuesday #121

I’ll be linking up with To-Do Tuesday which is still being hosted by Linda from Texas Quilt Gal until the end of the year 😳 when I will become the new host. I will be popping over to make sure I go see what everyone else is planning for the upcoming week. I’m hoping youContinueContinue reading “ToDo Tuesday #121”