Weekly Summary #165

Hello and welcome to this week’s version of my crazy life. First of all thank you for the sweet messages and well wishes regarding my DH. To give you some history, my husband has Progressive Multiple Sclerosis. We live in a suite in the basement of a golf course clubhouse. This place is very specialContinueContinue reading “Weekly Summary #165”

To-Do Tuesday Linky Party #78

Hello and welcome to this week’s link up where we get to share our progress and cheer each other on. My week was busy (again🤣) but I was able to sew or cut fabric every single day! I’ve been working with leftover donated bits from my friend Denise (she always challenges me when she sendContinueContinue reading “To-Do Tuesday Linky Party #78”

Sunday Summary #164

Hello everyone and welcome to my update (finally)! I hope you all enjoyed your Father’s Day. For those of you who still get to spend time with your Father, enjoy it to the max! For those of us who have lost their Fathers enjoy the day with partners, siblings, sons, grandsons or the wonderful makesContinueContinue reading “Sunday Summary #164”

To-Do Tuesday Linky Party #77

Good evening everyone and welcome to another edition of the To-Do Tuesday Linky Party where we share our progress and cheer each other on. This is a photo of all of the amazing linkups at last week’s party: Did you see all of the check marks? I was able to visit all posts and commentContinueContinue reading “To-Do Tuesday Linky Party #77”

To-Do Tuesday Linky Party #76

Good evening everyone and welcome to this week’s party where we get to share all of our progress and even some finishes! Here is a shot of all of the linkups from last week: Don’t those little thumbnails make you want to go see what everyone is working on? I’m heading over to visit everyoneContinueContinue reading “To-Do Tuesday Linky Party #76”

Sunday Summary #163

Hello and welcome to this week’s edition of “My Crazy Life” 🤣. I hope all my American friends and family are having a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. I had planned on posting this last week, but had to go out of town to take DH to the MS Clinic in Kelowna and had not takenContinueContinue reading “Sunday Summary #163”

To Do Tuesday Linky Party #74

Good evening from the “sunny” Okanagan Valley! DH and I are here for his checkup at the MS Clinic. I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned it before but the staff here are incredible. For those of you who are Canadian, I hope you had a marvellous long weekend and are staying safe from theContinueContinue reading “To Do Tuesday Linky Party #74”

Sunday Summary #162

I’d like to wish you all a Happy Mother’s Day filled with family, friends, laughter, fun and perhaps some crafting time 💐 My Last To-Do Goals: At last I have time to finish writing a catch up post. I was away last month staying with Dee to look after her dog and house so sheContinueContinue reading “Sunday Summary #162”

Sunday Summary #161

It was another weird and wonderful couple of weeks here in my part of the world: As you can see the snow is melting fast helped by several rainfalls. I’ll happily take the moisture in any form. 😉 I had too many meetings for the Golf Club and had to empty the kitchen for theContinueContinue reading “Sunday Summary #161”

Sunday Summary #160

It was another weird and wonderful week here in my part of the world: We got some more snow! It is now 2 years since we lost our sweet girl, Clarke, and I’m now adding another project to my To Do List. More on that later in my post. We miss you, our sweet, funny,ContinueContinue reading “Sunday Summary #160”

Sunday Summary #159

So last week I posted that I had an event to host at the golf club to celebrate Family Day here in British Columbia. The day was fun for all of the attendees. I had soup and smokies, hot dogs and baked goods ready to go and actually ran out of food. I’m not sureContinueContinue reading “Sunday Summary #159”

To-Do Linky Party #62

Hello and for those of you in certain Provinces in Canada happy Family Day. I was able to celebrate the day by hosting a Family Fun Day here at the Golf Club. It was so busy I didn’t have time to take any photos! 😅 Last week 21 posts were linked to our party. AllContinueContinue reading “To-Do Linky Party #62”

Sunday Summary #157

I did have a plan for the week, but studio time and needing to take D to the hospital for tests took precedence. I came home in the middle of the night Saturday/Sunday through a heavy snowfall. I had to be home since DH had friends coming over to watch the Super Bowl and oneContinueContinue reading “Sunday Summary #157”

Sunday Summary #156

It’s been two weeks since I managed to write my summary post, but I did have good reasons! The first week was a fun, crazy busy week with meetings and prep for a fundraiser at the Golf Club. It snowed but I had volunteers to fix that issue. The good news I didn’t have toContinueContinue reading “Sunday Summary #156”

Sunday Summary #155

Another fun, crazy busy week with meetings and prep for a fundraiser at the Golf Club. It snowed but I had volunteers to fix that issue. The good news I didn’t have to shovel any snow! 😉 The bonfire was lit, the skis, snowboards, snowshoes and sleds arrived, the the ski trail was set, theContinueContinue reading “Sunday Summary #155”

Sunday Summary #153

I was so happy when I was finally able to take this photo after two days of snow: We had green grass showing everywhere and mud so it’s wonderful to get back to our winter! Another 2-3 feet and we might not have to worry about wildfire season. 🤔 and here’s our weather forecast (inContinueContinue reading “Sunday Summary #153”

Sunday Summary #152

I’d like to wish you all a Happy New Year. I can only hope 2024 will be one that for all of you is filled with laughter, family fun, good health and prosperity. This will be my last post for the year so I’ll try to get it posted soon. I can say that 2923ContinueContinue reading “Sunday Summary #152”

Sunday Summary #151

From my home to yours 🤶🏻 I get to start my post by recording two more UFO’s finished for the year! I managed to get the commission quilt which had to be returned, taken apart, lengthened, sandwiched, quilted and binding done in time for a friend to take it back to Israel for her grandson.ContinueContinue reading “Sunday Summary #151”