Rapunzel, Rapunzel, Let Down Your Hair!

Welcome to my stop on the OnceUpon Story Row Along!

I was so excited to see the theme for this Row Along and had to jump in and volunteer when Marian announced the upcoming Row Along. She has been doing this Row Along for 5 years now! It’s been so much fun to read all of the posts from the many incredible designers as they worked on their designs and shared their ideas.

The list of today’s blogs are:

Tuesday, October 01, 2019
Carole Andrews | Charlie’s Daughter at Just Let Me Quilt Mountain Meadow Designs
Seams To Be Sew | Duck Creek Mountain Quilting

Here is my block, Rapunzel;

When Marian announced the theme, this was the first idea I had for a block. The design was amended several times and slowly came together. It is horizontally oriented and finishes at 9″ x 18″ in the quilt design.

When my daughter was a wee one I used to read her this story at bedtime. It was her favourite story and she used to finger comb my hair when I was reading to her. At the time my hair was longer than my waist! Such fond memories!

We were told that Northcott was sponsoring us and donating fabric for us to use. I already had picked out my fabric. In fact, one of the reasons I chose Rapunzel was because I had come across a package of Northcott’s Woodland Strips recently when I was tidying my sewing space. I have been saving this collection of 2 1/2″ strips for that special project! This was it. The rock called to me to make the tower for Rapunzel’s prison home. Then in my stash I found some other fabrics for the lake, sky, and forest. For some reason the selvedge edges are missing with the information for the supplier. I can only guess these fabrics must have been gifted to me because I try to always leave the selvedge edge on until it becomes scraps in my scrap storage bins.

The fabric choices are up to you. I used my Northcott strips as much as possible. It’s fun working with Pre-Cuts!

For a downloadable copy of the pattern click here .

The link has now been fixed thanks to Marian’s excellent tutelage. 😄

You might notice that I have actually made this block twice. Once after I finished drafting the pattern. The second time was done to double check my measurements.

I love the Northcott fabrics but will be visiting my LQS to pick up new fabrics for my Once Upon a Story Quilt for my great granddaughter who is due in December. I have been collecting the blocks patterns and planning the baby quilt I will make once I can sew again!

The giveaway for my day is being hosted on Marian’s post today due to some technical difficulties I am having. You can go to Seams to be Sew for the giveaway entry link.

Have you seen the Inspired Light? The giveaway Inspired LED
The most amazing
Sewing Maching Lighting Kit
Value $30.00



Please note that the shipping is to be paid by the winner of the light. I just ordered lights for my two favourite machines!

The other incredible giveaway for this Hop is from The Electric Quilt Company.

Electric Quilt is offering a 20% off discount to anyone who’d like to purchase there products during the Row Along.


This is an awesome discount if your considering purchasing the upgrade or the full version, even just addons. The only thing you can not purchase is there EQ Classes. The coupon expires October 8, 2019

A Value of 239.95 and worth every penny of it, a digital download copy of EQ8.

Electric Quilt

Please click HERE to enter for your chance to win this fantastic prize.

Rules and the full list of the wonderful sponsors of this hop can be found HERE.

I am also offering a bundle of fat quarters as a gift for one of the followers of my blog to be drawn by a random number generator on October 6th.

Published by Carol Andrews

I have been fondling fabric and creating things with fabric and fiber for as long as I can remember. My children had homemade clothes, blankets, canning and quilts most of their lives. Now I create goodies to share! Hope you enjoy viewing them as much as I enjoy making them! When I am not creating with fiber or fabric I keep busy with Dear Heart, kids, grandkids, great grandkids.

61 thoughts on “Rapunzel, Rapunzel, Let Down Your Hair!

  1. This is so sweet! I just went to a Disney play the other night that had songs from their movies. Rapunzel was there with her long, long hair. Thanks for sharing!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Carol! What a fun block. I am more interested in know what your great-granddaughter’s quilt is going to look like. Is it a nursery theme? Details since you have plenty of time to plan it! I’m dying to make a princess quilt with paper piecing but I don’t think my skills are quite up to it. Maybe I’ll play around with the patterns anyway. Hope you are doing well! ~smile~ Roseanne

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Roseanne. I have been collecting these blocks and creating a layout with the blocks and filler blocks which this amazing group of designers have been creating. The quilt will be nursery rhyme based and will stretch my skills since appliqué work has always intimidated me. I love paper piecing using the freezer paper method. I did see some amazing princess paper pieced patterns on line somewhere that I was going to use, but thought the nursery rhymes would encourage this sweet babies’ parents to sing the old songs to her. I’m really getting antsy to start it, but will try to be patient! 🥴 Carol

      Liked by 1 person

  3. What a wonderful addition to our Once upon a story quilt! The fabrics are great, I especially like your choices for the tower. Thank you for sharing your talents with us.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I could not get the link to work, even though there is a comment saying it has been fixed. Am I the only one?


    1. Hi Melanesia. Did you try the link on the blog post? It opens the file in a new page in Google Documents. Try again and let me know if you are still having problems. It worked when I clicked on it just now. Carol


    1. Thank you Connie, for your sweet post! The first time I designed a block I used a page from one of my granddaughters colouring books. Then I just measured and drew the angles. It’s fun! 😄 Carol


  5. Thank you so much for the cute Rapunzel row! It is soooooo cute!!! 🙂 I know it took a lot of hard work on your part, so I’m very grateful for your talent and expertise. If only I had half your talent….but that’s why we enjoy following all these blogs!! Those of us that don’t have that artistic talent are reliant on those that do; Thanks!!!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I’m so glad you liked it. Thank you for your sweet comment. As for talent, it’s no secret. If you want to make something and can’t find a pattern you adapt another pattern or draw one out. Bet you can do it, too! 😉 Carol


  6. Thanks for the block, but I too am having difficulty downloading the pattern. The link takes me to Google Drive but there is no scroll bar, and there are no buttons in the upper right corner (no add to google drive, no download, etc.) so I can not download. Please advise. Thanks. Laurie

    Liked by 1 person

    1. In the upper right corner if you click you should get a funny downward arrow. That is the download button. So sorry you have been having problems. Let me know if you still can’t get it. 🤔 Carol


  7. I bet a lot of little girls, including myself, wished they were Rapunzel with long blond hair with a gorgeous rich prince to take her away+ live happily ever after according to Disney. The original story is a bit different but ends on a good note. Theme: Never hurts to wish, it just might come true. PS. I really am wishing for this lighting 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Rapunzel – en af de historier vi også kender her i Danmark – spændende at se alle de forskellige historier

    Tak for at se dine fine ting – det er første gang jeg besøger dig
    Hilsen fra Inge Lise (il@mvbmail.dk)


  9. I’ve always loved the story or Rapunzel, as a child I can remember wanting to grow my hair long, but for some reason, my mother didn’t want me to have long hair. I don’t know if it was the beautician in her or what, but jealousy came about as my sister got to have long hair. As I got older, I rebelled against the hairstyles my mother used to do on our hair when photos for school came around and the year she stopped fussing with our hair was probably the year that I took her hairstyle and washed it out in the school bathroom, and had my pictures taken with that straight hair. She never touched my hair again. 🙂 I finally got to grow my hair long, but the damage was done, by the time my hair got long enough, I couldn’t find great ways to style it, and because I have such thin hair, it just didn’t work as well in length. Now I’m not someone who is into makeup or going to the beauty shop every week or even styling my hair a lot… I don’t get dressed up to go shopping or out, people just have to take me as I am. That said, by the time I was 18, my hair was short again and I learned how to take care of it well enough to have it in a style I liked. I love long hair, but for me I just can’t have it, thus I can admire Rapunzel’s long hair and just dream… like a fairy tale. 🙂 I’m so happy you participated this year Carole and I hope you will come along again for the ride down the road…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Marian for letting me part of this Row Along. It was great fun in spite of life’s twists and turns. As a child I did have long hair and I remember my mother putting rollers in my hair the day before pictures right after school so that my sister and I both had ringlets for our pictures. As a teenager I rebelled and chopped my hair off and kept it short until m6 early twenties. For some reason I grew it out again and only cut it if there was something extreme going on in my life. For me cutting my hair has become synonymous with drastic changes or new beginnings in my life! I’m looking forward to reading the “final show and tell posts” tomorrow and seeing everyone’s projects. 😄 Carol


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