Sunday Summary #162

I’d like to wish you all a Happy Mother’s Day filled with family, friends, laughter, fun and perhaps some crafting time 💐 My Last To-Do Goals: At last I have time to finish writing a catch up post. I was away last month staying with Dee to look after her dog and house so sheContinueContinue reading “Sunday Summary #162”

Sunday Summary #160

It was another weird and wonderful week here in my part of the world: We got some more snow! It is now 2 years since we lost our sweet girl, Clarke, and I’m now adding another project to my To Do List. More on that later in my post. We miss you, our sweet, funny,ContinueContinue reading “Sunday Summary #160”

The Say What? Sew it – Show it Challenge Has Begun!

Today is the first day of this month’s Sew it- Show it Challenge which is the brain child of and is being hosted by the amazing Joan from MooseStash Quilting. The theme is Say What? Can you guess the theme of this one? “You can share a story, or show us a project or techniqueContinueContinue reading “The Say What? Sew it – Show it Challenge Has Begun!”

I Like Thursday

On Thursday a group of bloggers link with LeeAnna of Not Afraid of Color to share lists of things that fill them with gratitude or bring them joy. It’s always fun to read what others are sharing. my post is late because it was quilting day at my Guild. It was an interesting day becauseContinueContinue reading “I Like Thursday”