September DrEAMi Projects

This has been such a fun month with so many distracting squirrels chasing me around. I think it might have something to do with having time on my hands while working for Elections Canada at the advance polls and just sitting and waiting for people to come and vote! 😉

It all started when I pulled some orphan blocks to use in a recent Blog Hop. I also found some other leftover HST’s that I quite liked.

Now we have been having fun with Roxy, a good friend’s new puppy these past couple of weeks. She is now almost 3 months old and is quite the busy young lady. She loves playing golf with her Dad. In her version she runs around the golf cart, does not chase the golf balls, and rides the golf cart very well. Since she is still a baby she often reaches the point where she is done. Then she comes to spend time with me and have a nice long nap.

It looks as if we will be babysitting her if her Dad goes to Mexico for the winter. I’m liking the thought since we can’t have a pet here during the golf season. In the winter Roxy will be good company and the best possible reason to get out for walks every day in the snow.

The squirrels told me Roxy needs a bed while she is visiting. out came the pretty HST’s I liked and a few scrap strips from my strip bin. The sewing began in earnest when Roxy was sleeping on my feet under my sewing table.

The mini top was then sandwiched to a piece of batting and some quilting was done to stabilize the top and give it a bit of strength to stand up to those very sharp baby puppy teeth.

Then I layered my backing fabric right sides together with the quilted top and stitched 3/4 of an inch in around the outside edges leaving a section open to turn the bed right side out.

Once I had my corners poked out and some leftover trimmings of fabric and batting slivers stuffed in to the bed, I stitched the opening closed and added a few lines of stitching to keep the filling from bunching up.

All stuffed and ready for Roxy to enjoy!

So here’s my first DrEAMI project; one completed dog bed for a sweet little girl.

My second DrEAM came about because I’m addicted to making Sandra’s Let Your Star Shine pattern. I’ve now made 3 of them, but the leftover HSTs were driving me crazy! Then while I was sitting at Elections my mind started wandering and wondering. Then I remembered some leftover bits from a recent pattern test that would coordinate well with the leftover star point HST’s from my last Let Your Star Shine quilt. I had to play a bit to get them to work together, but it resulted in a quilt for a dear friend who is now in a wheelchair.

When I get to go to the studio next week to quilt this little quilt I’m adding a pocket on the back for our buddy’s wallet and phone. That is the reason for the bottom star points to be set apart. It makes the bottom easily identifiable so nothing falls out of his pocket.

Thanks for reading my post today. It was a fun project and even more fun to share it with you! 😉 Carol

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DrEAMi #56 @ MMM Quilts

Published by Carol Andrews

I have been fondling fabric and creating things with fabric and fiber for as long as I can remember. My children had homemade clothes, blankets, canning and quilts most of their lives. Now I create goodies to share! Hope you enjoy viewing them as much as I enjoy making them! When I am not creating with fiber or fabric I keep busy with Dear Heart, kids, grandkids, great grandkids.

6 thoughts on “September DrEAMi Projects

  1. Roxy is so sweet-looking! Of course she deserves a little doggy bed. Nice job on that. Speaking of nice, that is very nice of you to make your buddy a wheelchair quilt. The pockets will be so used and good for you to make the quilt bottom easily idemtifiale!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hi Carol! Aww, how sweet that you made Roxy her own dog bed. What a fabulous idea to add a pocket to the lap quilt! That will be so helpful, useful, and very much appreciated. {{Hugs}} Happy Monday! ~smile~ Roseanne

    Liked by 1 person

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