PQ 13.3 Kitchen Influence

This was a really fun challenge for me. I don’t make potholders and have bowl cozies so what could I make?

It was a fairly easy choice because I had picked up a few towels last year and found them when I was looking for something else.

I had an idea of what I wanted but had no pattern. I layered some gingham with batting and backing and quilted it up. Then I cut my towel in half and gathered the top edge.

I folded the bottom edge of my hanger to make a casing to insert the towel in and tacked a strip across the top to make it easy to hang on the oven door handle.

Here it is all finished and hanging on the handle. Best of all; no buttonholes to do. I can tell I need to make more of these for Christmas gifts now that I have them figured out. 😄

Once again I need to thank Trish (aka QUILTchicken) and Kim of Persimmon Dreams for keeping us on our toes with such fun challenges to make a quilt/project in a week!

Thank you for stopping by to read my post. 😄 Carol

Published by Carol Andrews

I have been fondling fabric and creating things with fabric and fiber for as long as I can remember. My children had homemade clothes, blankets, canning and quilts most of their lives. Now I create goodies to share! Hope you enjoy viewing them as much as I enjoy making them! When I am not creating with fiber or fabric I keep busy with Dear Heart, kids, grandkids, great grandkids.

8 thoughts on “PQ 13.3 Kitchen Influence

  1. Oh what a DARLING finish! That little red pickup is my very favorite Christmas design and I look for it every year. Never thought to look at towels. You did such a nice job with the fabric (love gingham!) and the stitching. Standing ovation!

    Liked by 1 person

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