Sunday Summary #164

Hello everyone and welcome to my update (finally)! I hope you all enjoyed your Father’s Day. For those of you who still get to spend time with your Father, enjoy it to the max! For those of us who have lost their Fathers enjoy the day with partners, siblings, sons, grandsons or the wonderful makes you have in your life. To the Mom’s who are both Mother and Father to their children all I can say is well done! Single parenting isn’t easy so I hope you all have great supports in place. I was able to spend a good day with DH and we had some wonderful young men come to visit!

My Dad, my hero, gone but always remembered with love, respect and gratitude ❤️

First thing I am going to do is update you as to the progress I’ve made on my list in spite of the craziness here in the past weeks:

My Last To-Do Goals:

1. Keep working on my EPP, embroidery and embroidery sampler as time allows. No progress 😢

2. Get caught up with the Rainbow Neighbourhood QAL hosted by Sandra Walker from MMM Quilts No Progress😢

3. Try to finish binding the four quilts. A bit of progress but no completions yet 😢

4. Try to finish my pattern test. No progress and the project was published so I’ll not be sharing this one until next year when it is included with another project 😉

5. Finish the memory quilt with some of Clarke’s clothing. The quilt is finished. Just need to get the binding on! 😁

6. Finish the memory quilts for my son and granddaughters from a collection of T-shirts from my son, DIL and granddaughters. I’ve started making rows of the blocks! 😁

7. Keep playing with the orphan blocks and goodies from Denise to use up more bits and pieces. Between Denise and Samantha I’ve been sidetracked from my list! 😂

8. Do not let Samantha or any of her squirrel buddies side track me🐿🐿🐿🐿. Didn’t happen! Sam kept reminding me of the goodies in Denise’s box and some orphan blocks I have! 😉

This Week’s goals:

Now it’s time for my To Do Tuesday List:

1. Keep working on my EPP, embroidery and embroidery sampler as time and my eyesight allow. It’s getting more difficult to do handwork as my vision keeps fading. 🤓

2. Get caught up with the Rainbow Neighbourhood QAL hosted by Sandra Walker from MMM Quilts, so I can start working on her new QAL! Time has run out, but I did start cutting my fabrics, so another WIP is added to my list. 🤪

3. Try to finish binding the four now five quilts. 😉

4. Finish the memory quilts for my son and granddaughters from a collection of T-shirts from my son, DIL and granddaughters.

5. Keep playing with the orphan blocks and goodies from Denise to use up more bits and pieces. (I’m so excited to say that the box I received from Denise is getting emptied even if it is slowly!.

8. Do not let Samantha or any of her squirrel buddies side track me🐿🐿🐿🐿

Stitchin’ Time

Kate from Life in Pieces hosts a weekly linky party to help us keep to our goals of stitching every day.

I’m trying for at least 30 minutes a day this year and 1 hour at the end of the week to tidy up and deal with my scraps. I wasn’t really off to a good start, but it is getting better as things settle down in my real life time and commitments lessen. 🤔

  • January 21/31
  • February 27/29
  • March 27/31
  • April 20/30
  • May 26/31
  • June 7/15
  • this week 7/7
  • Previous Total 121/160
  • Total: 128/167
  • Percentage = 77.5 %

I hope you all get to set and keep your goals for your Stitching Time and join Kate. 😁

To see how our blogging friends are doing check out Kate’s blog: Life in Pieces

Stash Report

I like to link with Donna @ QuiltPaintCreate to keep track of fabric in and out of my stash.

  • Fabric Used: 4 yards
  • Fabric Purchased this week: 0 yards
  • Fabric Previous Balance: 73 yards
  • Fabric Purchased this year: 0 yards
  • Balance in stash to use this year: 69 yards

* my goal is to lessen my stash by 100 yards this year. I haven’t managed to actually figure out how much fabric I really have in my stash, but I have reduced my stash these past few years and really only purchase fabric if I need it for a particular project. If I do purchase fabric I add it to my Balance in stash to use this year in order to continue reducing my stash. 😉

* any fabric used from the scrap bins, was gifted or a prize; doesn’t count as stash!

Design Wall Mondays

Judy, at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts, hosts a linky party for “Design Wall Mondays” every week.

I’m including a gallery of photos to share some of the fun little blocks, bits and pieces and fabric that Denise sent to me, that I’m working playing with to come up with some new quilts for an upcoming charity event;

PHD in 2024

This year you can join the fun and challenge at Ms P Designs USA 😉

I’ve made a start for my PHD in 2024!

Thank you for stopping by and reading my post. Your comments make my day and I do reply to each one. 😉 Carol

Linking with:

I’ve decided this is to be the new motto for my life; it’s a great reminder that I need to concentrate on the things that are important; my DH, my family, our health, fabric fun, and blogging. Everything else can be ignored! 😉

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Published by Carol Andrews

I have been fondling fabric and creating things with fabric and fiber for as long as I can remember. My children had homemade clothes, blankets, canning and quilts most of their lives. Now I create goodies to share! Hope you enjoy viewing them as much as I enjoy making them! When I am not creating with fiber or fabric I keep busy with Dear Heart, kids, grandkids, great grandkids.

2 thoughts on “Sunday Summary #164

  1. It is so fun to see what all you have in the works, Carol . Some weeks are more productive than others but every little stitch leads to a finish. I bet it is a lot of fun working on the memory quilts especially sorting through the shirts. Have a great week. Hugs.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Melissa. Those Memory quilts are fun, knowing some of the stories behind them and seeing the photos of our little Clarke in the clothes before she passed away. I don’t seem to be getting much finished, but I’ve got several weeks of projects ready to sew when I can see better 😉


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