Weekly Summary #165

Hello and welcome to this week’s version of my crazy life. First of all thank you for the sweet messages and well wishes regarding my DH. To give you some history, my husband has Progressive Multiple Sclerosis. We live in a suite in the basement of a golf course clubhouse. This place is very special to us. It was my husband’s last completed building project before he was diagnosed with MS 30+ years ago. He gets to walk out the door and hop on to his golf cart to play golf. Last year he was playing up to 27 holes of golf almost every day. This year he can only play 2 – 7 holes and as yet hasn’t made a round on our 9 hole course. He’s had several falls on the course so he can no longer go by himself. If none of his buddies are playing that day I ride the course with him and he plays until he gets tired or the pain levels are too high. When he has to quit he looks and me and says “It could be worse; everyone I know with MS is dead already”. When we moved here I made a promise to him that I would do everything I could to make sure his wish to live here until the end is possible. That’s why I’m on the Board and managed the clubhouse last year when the Manager walked out. This past few weeks have been a real drama show with Board members resigning, and issues with the new Lease Manager not obeying local bylaws or Provincial and Federal Laws. I’m sure you can guess the stress levels are high. I just keep telling myself it will get better!

The other issue I’m dealing with is our lovely health care system. A referral to an ophthalmology specialist was sent May 16. I’m still waiting for a consultation appointment. The required surgery is a 15 minute laser procedure, but is critical since the scar tissue that is building up has almost completely blinded my right eye and my left eye has lost almost 25% of the vision. I really need to see to sew and to drive so I’m fretting a bit. I’d really like to be able to match seams soon or do hand stitching without constantly poking myself and getting blood on the quilts/fabrics. The good news is that I can still see well enough to cut fabric and I now have 10 quilt projects kitted up.

Now that I have completed my pity party of the year, I am going to do is update you as to the progress I’ve made on my list:

My Last To-Do Goals:

1. Keep working on my EPP, embroidery and embroidery sampler as time and my eyesight allow. It’s getting more difficult to do handwork as my vision keeps fading so I’ve not made any progress. 🤓

2. Get caught up with the Rainbow Neighbourhood QAL hosted by Sandra Walker from MMM Quilts, so I can start working on her new QAL! Fabrics are cut for both QALs and I’ve got the Rainbow Neighbourhood more than half way pieced, but sewing for more than half an hour at a time is difficult. 🤪

3. Try to finish binding the four now five quilts. Not yet! 😢

4. Finish the memory quilts for my son and granddaughters from a collection of T-shirts from my son, DIL and granddaughters. I have one top finished, and am working on block placement on the others. 🤪

One down; 3 or 4 to go! 🤣

5. Keep playing with the orphan blocks and goodies from Denise to use up more bits and pieces. The box I received from Denise is almost empty now. Just look at these project boxes filled with kitted up projects and all of my project bags are filled as well! 😉

6. Do not let Samantha or any of her squirrel buddies side track me🐿🐿🐿🐿. Sam convinced me to do some reorganizing and tidying to see 😉 if I could see how many projects I’ve actually got kitted up, since I seem to be spending an inordinate amount of time cutting fabric and sorting orphan blocks and making blocks out of leftover bits from projects past! 🤪

This Week’s goals:

Now it’s time for my To Do Tuesday List:

1. Keep working on my EPP, embroidery and embroidery sampler as time and my eyesight allow.

2. Get caught up with the Rainbow Neighbourhood QAL hosted by Sandra Walker from MMM Quilts, so I can start working on her new QAL!

3. Try to finish binding the four now five quilts. 😉

4. Finish the memory quilts for my son and granddaughters from a collection of T-shirts from my son, DIL and granddaughters.

5. Keep playing with the orphan blocks and goodies from Denise to use up more bits and pieces until the box is empty.

6. Do not let Samantha or any of her squirrel buddies side track me🐿🐿🐿🐿

Stitchin’ Time

Kate from Life in Pieces hosts a weekly linky party to help us keep to our goals of stitching every day.

I’m trying for at least 30 minutes a day this year and 1 hour at the end of the week to tidy up and deal with my scraps. I wasn’t really off to a good start, but it is getting better as things settle down in my real life time and commitments lessen. 🤔

  • January 21/31
  • February 27/29
  • March 27/31
  • April 20/30
  • May 26/31
  • June 14/22
  • this week 7/7
  • Previous Total 128/167
  • Total: 135/174
  • Percentage = 77.59 %

I hope you all get to set and keep your goals for your Stitching Time and join Kate. 😁

To see how our blogging friends are doing check out Kate’s blog: Life in Pieces

Stash Report

I like to link with Donna @ QuiltPaintCreate to keep track of fabric in and out of my stash.

  • Fabric Used: 0 yards
  • Fabric Purchased this week: 0 yards
  • Fabric Previous Balance: 69 yards
  • Fabric Purchased this year: 0 yards
  • Balance in stash to use this year: 69 yards

* my goal is to lessen my stash by 100 yards this year. I haven’t managed to actually figure out how much fabric I really have in my stash, but I have reduced my stash these past few years and really only purchase fabric if I need it for a particular project. If I do purchase fabric I add it to my Balance in stash to use this year in order to continue reducing my stash. 😉

* any fabric used from the scrap bins, was gifted or a prize; doesn’t count as stash!

Design Wall Mondays

Judy, at Small Quilts and Doll Quilts, hosts a linky party for “Design Wall Mondays” every week.

I’m including a gallery of photos to share some of the fun little blocks, bits and pieces and fabric that Denise sent to me, that I’m working playing with to come up with some new quilts for an upcoming charity event;

PHD in 2024

This year you can join the fun and challenge at Ms P Designs USA 😉

I’ve made a start for my PHD in 2024!

Thank you for stopping by and reading my post. Your comments make my day and I do reply to each one. 😉 Carol

Linking with:

Buy Me a Coffee at ko-fi.com

Published by Carol Andrews

I have been fondling fabric and creating things with fabric and fiber for as long as I can remember. My children had homemade clothes, blankets, canning and quilts most of their lives. Now I create goodies to share! Hope you enjoy viewing them as much as I enjoy making them! When I am not creating with fiber or fabric I keep busy with Dear Heart, kids, grandkids, great grandkids.

10 thoughts on “Weekly Summary #165

  1. You’ve maintained such a positive attitude with your blog that I had no idea how much you were contending with on the personal front. Hope the eye appointment materializes soon, so you can get back to stitching lots soon. Best wishes to Your Guy that he can continue playing golf and enjoying life for a good while yet. Good luck with your to do list this week.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Kate. Real life has been a bit trying but I felt I should explain why I’ve been late posting or visiting or commenting. DH managed 7 holes this morning with a couple of his buddies so I had some time to putter uninterrupted. I love it when that happens, but also enjoy being out on the cart with him when no one else is around. I just wished I could play the game! Hope you’ve had a wonderful week!


  2. You are such a strong and determined woman, I am sure you will find a way to make this continue to work. I do hope they call soon, I wonder if you can call the eye consultant and “reverse engineer” the whole thing. Healthcare is so frustrating and post covid it has become so hard. The story of the club and your husband’s involvement in it, make so much sense. You are such a devoted wife, do take care of yourself while taking care of him. Fingers crossed that finally having a pity party makes something work!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks so much Kathleen. I do keep calling the specialist’s office, asking if they have my referral and if they have triaged it yet. I’m trying to behave and only call once a week. You’ll never believe it, but the pity party did help. I’ve been doing more fabric therapy and not letting the stupidity of the Board and Clubhouse staff get to me. Life is what it is and I’ll just keep pugging away 🤗


  3. HUGE HUGS, and more HUGE HUGS!!! It sounds like you need them!!!

    I hope your ophthalmology appointment is made soon!!! I know that the laser surgery is quick and can be super successful. (I had a retinal bleed in my left eye and the laser surgery made the vision as good as my right eye!)

    Keep on, keeping on my friend!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Gail! I DID feel your very welcome hug. Apparently this procedure takes 10 minutes in the doctor’s office. He has the equipment there so I’m not concerned about it. It’ll be a FART because one of my Guild Members is driving me and my favourite LQS is in Trail where the doctor’s office is. I think it’ll be a perfect reward and I should be able to see the fabric designs 😉


  4. Oh Carol, I’m so sorry about the slowness of getting your eye surgery underway. That would be so frustrating. I hope you get some definite answers soon. I love your DH’s attitude; it has to be frustrating to have so much change in just one golf season. Now I understand better why you live at the golf course. I hope the board issues straighten out soon, too.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Wendy. We just keep plugging away and letting loose with my pity party picked up my spirits! I even finally managed to do a long ago started pattern test today. I think my seams matched up fairly well, too! 🤓

      Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you Donna. Life does have its challenges, but we do keep going! The cute kids blocks are now kitted up with everything I need to finish it when time and sight allow. It’ll be a donation quilt for a favourite charity. 😁


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