Sunday Summary #159

So last week I posted that I had an event to host at the golf club to celebrate Family Day here in British Columbia. The day was fun for all of the attendees. I had soup and smokies, hot dogs and baked goods ready to go and actually ran out of food. I’m not sure I’ll be eating a hot dog any time soon after cooking over 200 of them, just as many smokies, and two huge pots of soup!

Unfortunately in the middle of it all a friend stopped by to let me know that another very dear friend (who has been battling cancer) had passed at 10:30 that morning.

This resulted in our board deciding we needed to host the funeral luncheon for our friend here at the clubhouse where he could always be counted on to bring his band and play for our events. He was one of the best musicians I’ve had the pleasure of knowing and just a wonderful, community minded soul. Between meetings and planning and prepping for the event I don’t have much to show this week. I did have some stitching time every day, but a lot of it was mindless sewing; four patches and hst’s. I just needed to sit and play with fabric, but didn’t have the capability to work on any of my projects.

My Last To-Do Goals:

1. Keep working on my EPP, embroidery and embroidery sampler as time allows. No progress 😢

2. Get caught up with the Rainbow Neighbourhood QAL hosted by Sandra Walker from MMM Quilts No Progress😢

3. Allow myself to keep playing on a couple of projects from the boxes of treasures I received from Denise as my leader/ender projects. No real progress. 😢

4. Get caught up with the rounds for the SAHRR.. No progress 😢

5. Work on/finish my pattern test. No progress 😢

6. Work on my newest squirrel project. No Progress. 😢

7. Do not let Samantha or any of her squirrel buddies side track me🐿🐿🐿🐿 Success! No squirrel side tracking happened! 😉

This Week’s goals:

If I can manage to work on anything on my list this week, I will be satisfied. I’m clearing out the clubhouse kitchen to get it ready for a dishwasher and new counters and shelves to be installed and will have to paint the kitchen before the installers are here in the next couple of weeks. The good news is; the Board hiring committee might have a leasee to lease the kitchen so I will soon get my contended, retired life back. 🤞🏻😉😁

1. Keep working on my EPP, embroidery and embroidery sampler as time allows.

2. Get caught up with the Rainbow Neighbourhood QAL hosted by Sandra Walker from MMM Quilts.

3. Keep working on a couple of projects from the boxes of treasures I received from Denise as my leader/ender projects.

4. Get caught up with the rounds for the SAHRR.

Hosted by the amazing Quilting Gail

5. Finish my pattern test.

6. Work on my newest squirrel projects:

7. Do not let Samantha or any of her squirrel buddies side track me🐿🐿🐿🐿

This week I have everything on my list, but am not pressuring myself after losing another friend to Cancer. These losses seem harder and harder to bear as the years go by and the deaths more frequent.

Stitchin’ Time

Kate from Life in Pieces hosts a weekly linky party to help us keep to our goals of stitching every day.

I’m trying for at least 30 minutes a day this year and 1 hour at the end of the week to tidy up and deal with my scraps. I’m not really off to a good start, but it should get better as things settle down in my real life time and commitments lessen. 🤔

  • January 21/31
  • February 22/29
  • this week 7/7
  • Previous Total 36/365
  • Total: 43/60
  • Percentage = 71.67 %

I hope you all get to set and keep your goals for your Stitching Time and join Kate. 😁

To see how our blogging friends are doing check out Kate’s blog: Life in Pieces

Stash Report

I like to link with Donna @ QuiltPaintCreate to keep track of fabric in and out of my stash.

  • Fabric Used: 0 yards
  • Fabric Purchased this week: 0 yards
  • Fabric Previous Balance: 85 yards
  • Fabric Purchased this year: 0 yards
  • Balance in stash to use this year: 85 yards

* my goal is to lessen my stash by 100 yards this year. I haven’t managed to actually figure out how much fabric I really have in my stash, but I have reduced my stash these past few years and really only purchase fabric if I need it for a particular project. If I do purchase fabric I add it to my Balance in stash to use this year in order to continue reducing my stash. 😉

* any fabric used from the scrap bins, was gifted or a prize; doesn’t count as stash!

PHD in 2023

This year you can join the fun and challenge at Ms P Designs USA 😉

I’ve made a start for my PHD in 2024!

Thank you for stopping by and reading my post. Your comments make my day and I do reply to each one. 😉 Carol

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Published by Carol Andrews

I have been fondling fabric and creating things with fabric and fiber for as long as I can remember. My children had homemade clothes, blankets, canning and quilts most of their lives. Now I create goodies to share! Hope you enjoy viewing them as much as I enjoy making them! When I am not creating with fiber or fabric I keep busy with Dear Heart, kids, grandkids, great grandkids.

6 thoughts on “Sunday Summary #159

  1. Well, that is quite a week. I’m glad the event went well, but sorry to hear of the death of your friend. Glad you are able to sneak in a little stitching now and then. Take care of yourself, too!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. So sorry for the loss of your friend. You’ve just had a lot on your plate the last year. Fingers crossed the kitchen thing goes through and you can go back to a more retiree lifestyle.

    Liked by 1 person

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