Sunday Summary #158

I didn’t seem to make a lot of progress that I can share. I did have some May meetings and two days of teaching at the Guild. We have 3 new addicts quilters that have been bitten by the bug and are so eager to learn. It’s a real joy to spend time with them. 😁

I also had to prep for the Family Fun Fay at the Golf Club to celebrate Family Day which is a Statutory Holiday here in British Columbia. The good news is needle, thread and fabric were put to use every day. 😁

My Last To-Do Goals:

1. Keep working on my EPP, embroidery and embroidery sampler as time allows. No real progress but I am enjoying the hand stitching. 😢

2. Get caught up with the Rainbow Neighbourhood QAL hosted by Sandra Walker from MMM Quilts. My fabrics, pattern and blocks are back out, but that’s as far as I’ve gotten 😢

3. Allow myself to keep playing on a couple of projects from the boxes of treasures I received from Denise as my leader/ender projects. No real progress. 😢

4. Try to finish my project for an upcoming blog hop; It’s finished and my day is Wednesday to post my project. 😁

5. Get caught up with the rounds for the SAHRR.. Time did not allow this week, but I’m hoping for this week 😳

6. Work on/finish my pattern test. It’s coming along! 😁

7. Work on my newest squirrel project. Done and posted for my Blog Hop project 😉

8. Do not let Samantha or any of her squirrel buddies side track me🐿🐿🐿🐿

This Week’s goals:

I only have 1 meeting scheduled this week, DH’s Doctors Appointment, 2 days at the Guild doing prep for our annual fundraiser and prepping for/hosting a gathering at the Golf Club for the family, friends and our community for a very dear friend who passed away yesterday. Please think of rainbows and orange roses for my dear friend.

1. Keep working on my EPP, embroidery and embroidery sampler as time allows.

2. Get caught up with the Rainbow Neighbourhood QAL hosted by Sandra Walker from MMM Quilts.

3. Keep working on a couple of projects from the boxes of treasures I received from Denise as my leader/ender projects.

4. Get caught up with the rounds for the SAHRR.

Hosted by the amazing Quilting Gail

5. Finish my pattern test.

6. Work on my newest squirrel projects:

7. Do not let Samantha or any of her squirrel buddies side track me🐿🐿🐿🐿

This week I have everything on my list, but am not pressuring myself after losing another friend to Cancer. These losses seem harder and harder to bear as the years go by and the deaths more frequent.

Stitchin’ Time

Kate from Life in Pieces hosts a weekly linky party to help us keep to our goals of stitching every day.

I’m trying for at least 30 minutes a day this year and 1 hour at the end of the week to tidy up and deal with my scraps. I’m not really off to a good start, but it should get better as things settle down in my real life time and commitments lessen. 🤔

  • January 21/31
  • February 15/29
  • this week 7/7
  • Previous Total 29/365
  • Total: 36/60
  • Percentage = 60 %

I hope you all get to set and keep your goals for your Stitchng Time and join Kate. 😁

To see how our blogging friends are doing check out Kate’s blog: Life in Pieces

Stash Report

I like to link with Donna @ QuiltPaintCreate to keep track of fabric in and out of my stash.

  • Fabric Used: 2 yards
  • Fabric Purchased this week: 0 yards
  • Fabric Previous Balance: 87 yards
  • Fabric Purchased this year: 0 yards
  • Balance in stash to use this year: 85 yards

* my goal is to lessen my stash by 100 yards this year. I haven’t managed to actually figure out how much fabric I really have in my stash, but I have reduced my stash these past few years and really only purchase fabric if I need it for a particular project. If I do purchase fabric I add it to my Balance in stash to use this year in order to continue reducing my stash. 😉

* any fabric used from the scrap bins, was gifted or a prize; doesn’t count as stash!

PHD in 2023

This year you can join the fun and challenge at Ms P Designs USA 😉

I’ve made a start for my PHD in 2024!

Thank you for stopping by and reading my post. Your comments make my day and I do reply to each one. 😉 Carol

Linking with:

I am so proud to be hosting this linky party which has been ongoing for several years with several hostesses (several of whom I have gotten to know and consider myself priviledged to call friends).

Buy Me a Coffee at

Published by Carol Andrews

I have been fondling fabric and creating things with fabric and fiber for as long as I can remember. My children had homemade clothes, blankets, canning and quilts most of their lives. Now I create goodies to share! Hope you enjoy viewing them as much as I enjoy making them! When I am not creating with fiber or fabric I keep busy with Dear Heart, kids, grandkids, great grandkids.

2 thoughts on “Sunday Summary #158

  1. Considering how busy you’ve been, you’ve done so well at keeping up with the stitching time. You’ve got some fun projects in the works. Hopefully you get in some good stitching time this week.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Kate. It has been a good week allowing fabric and fiber time every day. Our course had been bare with golfers out playing and then yesterday we got hammered with 8” of snow again. Luckily we need the moisture so I just had more fiber time and finished a project. 😉


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