I Love Thursday #48

There are a great group of bloggers who get together via a linky party on LeeAnna’s blog Not Afraid of Color each week to share list of things that bring them joy, inspire them or make them laugh.

My gratitude post this week especially goes to the valiant, heroic firefighters and helicopter pilots who are doing their best to get the two local wildfires under control.

As of last night we are now officially on Evacuation Alert. Bags are packed with clothes and necessary documents, sewing machine and kitted projects are by the door. Arrangements have been made for a place to stay. Everything is in order in case we have to go. 🤔

This is a map of the fire last week.

I live by the yellow scribble, just one ridge away from the fire.

This is the most current map, showing the Evacuation Alert area as well:

I live between Appledale and Perrys in the Evacuation Alert Zone.

On the positive side I have another quilt top finished which will be completed and donated to the Quilts for Lytton Drive.

I also have 2 more sets of blocks almost finished for a couple of more quilt tops. After all what does a quilter do when under duress? Sews and tries to make things that will help others who lost everything due to a fire that swept through a town that had 15 minutes to get out.

I love how others are calling with offers of help to store things and places to go. My Guild Board Members have all stepped up to gather and store artifacts, papers and equipment from our Guild which is at Perry’s on the above map. People working together to preserve something is always inspiring.

My newest photos of my littles are here;

Thank you for stopping in to read my post. I appreciate it when you click on the follow button and enjoy responding to your comments. 😉 Carol

Published by Carol Andrews

I have been fondling fabric and creating things with fabric and fiber for as long as I can remember. My children had homemade clothes, blankets, canning and quilts most of their lives. Now I create goodies to share! Hope you enjoy viewing them as much as I enjoy making them! When I am not creating with fiber or fabric I keep busy with Dear Heart, kids, grandkids, great grandkids.

7 thoughts on “I Love Thursday #48

  1. little girl in her doll bed… too precious
    what dressing did you make… send recipe! Looks really good. Here’s to putting out the fires, we’re innundated with smoke from all those west of us and the ones in our state, hope it never gets close to your home… oy.
    so much sewing going on at yours!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hi Lee Anna. Thank you for your well wishes. Isn’t Clarke a monkey? She is always climbing into or on top of something? The recipe is simple; a bit of avocado oil, a bit of sugar, a bit of lemon juice and some rosemary, basil and pepper. No measurements because I seldom measure unless I’m making bread or cakes 🥴. Bad cook I guess!


  2. I’m so glad you are still safe from the fires, and I’m delighted you weathered your second shot fairly well. I love feta cheese, so that dish makes my mouth water! Those littles are too cute, and your quilts are beautiful!


  3. how odd they put my comment on here not last week. Anyway, how horrible to be on alert… praying it doesn’t come to that. The quilt is so pretty

    Liked by 1 person

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